
For the fifth time TheCrowd participated at the danish peoples meeting in June 2018 (Folkemødet på Bornholm). We were proud to be co-organizers of Medieteltet (The Media Tent) in Cirkuspladsen and Co-organizer of Civiltinget, where our main partner, Teracom A/S also stood behind Denmark’s first pop-up radio station, Radio Folkemødet. We will return at Folkemødet in 2019.

Radio Folkmødet brought Folkemødet to the Danish People via DAB during Folkemødet. Follow Radio Folkemødet @ Facebook:


For more information about participation in Medieteltet and the Crowd at Folkemødet 2019, please send mail to or ring +45 2946 3919.

We look forward to meeting you again at Bornholm in 2019.