Polical Innovation

The one who can embrace the whole and exercise accountability is the winner. Your business should naturally work to influence the political changes. It is no secret that we believe that the political system could do with a thorough modernization and updating. The case of the sale of DONG is the latest example that the lack of transparency creates suspicion in the public. The system is lacking behind! We must dare to open up and question the way we operate. There should be more room for improvements – and politics must be a way to bring wishes and visions of real change into practice. Too many see politics alone as a craft and a simple power technology. That sometimes makes us take the wrong decisions.

We believe that a fundamental change is a political necessity – as a process of change that the best companies should participate in and contribute to. We must dare to think “we” before “I”.

TheCrowd is attending this year Public meeting on Bornholm (Folkemødet). Follow our event here: